Direct foreign investments


Every year the number of foreign companies, which conduct its business activities in Germany, is growing rapidly. Having proven itself as a reliable and profitable state for international business, Germany attracts more and more foreign investors. More than 55,000 foreign companies provide almost 3 million people with jobs and have a positive impact on the country's economy.



It is thanks to the stable economic situation, favorable law for managing business, moderate level of taxation and hospitality policy for foreign direct investments, that Germany deserves the confidence of entrepreneurs all over the world. It is the leader among European countries, and in the world commercial market it ranks 5th in the simplicity of investments or the establishment of new companies, because the Law of Germany does not discriminate against foreign businessmen, granting them the same rights as German entrepreneurs.



The most attractive for capital investments are the fields of information and computer technologies and software for ensuring business and financial services, production of cars and industrial equipment. Current projects in their majority are based on optimization of marketing policies and increase of the number of marketing offices and support centers.



Having outrun Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia is the most densely populated region in Germany and is in the lead in terms of incoming foreign direct investments. More than 10 000 companies from different countries of the world are located in North Rhine-Westphalia, among which there are such famous brands as "Ericsson", "Ford", "LG Electronics", "Toyota", "Vodafone", "HSBC", "Deloitte", "L’Oréal", "Nikon", "Huawei" and others.

Rightly called the "Gateway to Europe", North Rhine-Westphalia has a perfect infrastructure: 6 largest airports serve about 500 international flights, ideally established and equipped with the latest technology water, road and rail connections allow you to communicate and comfortably, freely and quickly move around the world, which makes the business in this region very convenient. In addition, there are 72 institutions of higher education, 6 of which are in the top 10 of the largest in Germany. They annually produce about 700,000, including more than 75,000 foreign, first-class specialists. More than 60 international specialized exhibitions, that host more than 5 million visitors annually, make North Rhine-Westphalia the largest and the most important exhibition area in the world. All these factors attract not only entrepreneurs, but also investors in the fields of research, development, production and service.




Over 900 museums and 130 theaters, 4 UNESCO heritage, unique sports and entertainment events held in North Rhine-Westphalia, become a godsend for a huge number of tourists, which also positively affects business, including investing resources in commercial real estate.


Small and medium-sized business – mainstay of the economy


North Rhine-Westphalia is the land of small and medium-sized business: Approximately 765,000 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) form the economic basis of the region. 79.0% of employees who contribute to the social insurance system, and about 82.1% of students work in small and medium-sized enterprises.


About 180,000 small and medium-sized enterprises in North Rhine-Westphalia are engaged in handicraft production. Providing jobs to 1 million employees, they are thus the country's main employer.

Source: "NRW.INVEST GmbH"


The most popular region of Germany among investors


27.5% of all foreign investments account for the land of North Rhine-Westphalia (218 billion Euros). About 15,000 foreign companies from the most highly developed countries-investors have deployed their head offices in the land of North Rhine-Westphalia, where they manage all their offices in Germany or Europe ("3M", "BP", "Ericsson", "Ford", "LG Electronics", "QVC", "Sany", "Toyota", "Vodafone".)


Sources: agency "NRW.INVEST GmbH", "IT.NRW", Federal Statistical Office, German Federal Bank, European Statistical Agency Eurostat.



Comparatively cheap commercial real property



Land of North Rhine-Westphalia has commercial real estate of the highest quality in close proximity to economic centers at relatively low prices. Source: "NRW.INVEST GmbH"



See our real estate catalog. Contact us in a way that is convenient for you. Link to Contact


Highly skilled labor power


About 686,600 students studies in the 72 universities and higher vocational schools in North Rhine-Westphalia. 6 of 10 largest universities in Germany are located on the land of North Rhine-Westphalia. 76,600 foreign students study at the universities, located in North Rhine-Westphalia.


Source: "NRW.INVEST GmbH"


The questions of possible training of European students in our universities are often met in our work. If you are interested in this topic, you are welcome to ask. Our phone is +49 2151 412 03 20, or follow the link in the Contacts section.



For reference, see the links:


First place for manufacturers and suppliers



In North Rhine-Westphalia there are both world-famous industrial companies and dozens of small enterprises leading in their industry. Industrial enterprises of the land of North-Rhine Westphalia reached in 2013 a turnover of 340 billion Euros. This corresponds to 19.4% of the annual turnover of industry throughout Germany. 18.4 percent of employees in North Rhine-Westphalia are employed in the industrial sector.


Source: "NRW.INVEST GmbH"



Düsseldorf 2015.

Present. Prospects for development.


The situation in the real estate market in Düsseldorf has remained unstable over the past few years. The cost of square meter of residential real estate has increased by almost a third since 2007, while demand is consistently outstripping supply. According to statistics, only 23% of Düsseldorf residents had their own homes at the beginning of 2015.


Meeting the growing needs of citizens is only possible on the condition of expansion of construction of the housing stock. Every year, additional 13,000 apartments are put into operation. Analysts believe that this will lead to some slowdown in price increase. Then you can expect not only a fall in apartment prices, but a 20-30% decrease in lease rates. Experts suggest that in at least 20% of new residential real estate objects the cost of lease can be reduced to 8-10 euro/sq. m. At the end of 2014, the rental price reached 20-25 euro/sq.m. per month.



Leading positions in prices are traditionally held by boroughs with luxury real estate, such as Oberkassel, Zoo, Lörick. The most affordable prices for real estate are in the suburbs ​​Garath, Hellerhof.


In Düsseldorf, active housing stock construction is underway, which, in the authorities’ idea, will cool the situation with prices in the real estate market and will help to reduce lease rates. Derendorf in the past was an industrial zone, and today it is a dynamically developing borough of ​​Düsseldorf, where modern residential complexes are built within walking distance from social infrastructure facilities and garden and park space with an artificial lake.



The large-scale development of Derendorf began in 2010. Its completion is scheduled for 2017. For this period, the delivery of the last object is planned. In particular, according to the project of the company Emscher-Gruppe, a residential complex with a maximum level of comfort, with green spaces under the windows, has been erected. The cost per square meter of housing here is an average of 4,500 - 5,000 Euros.


The construction of the Quartier Central residential complex for 350 apartments is conducted near the student hostel. At the site of the former barrack on the shore of the pond a low-rise residential complex Quartier Parklane is built. It is planned to build a multi-dwelling high-rise apartment house for 1300 apartments with commercial premises on the ground floors in the territory of the former railway station, on the border of the Pempelfot borough.



Real estate in Germany: time to see about future incomes!


Nowadays the real estate market in Germany created almost ideal conditions: At the moment, the state of the German real estate market can be called ideal for the buyer: the purchase of any object will bring significant benefits. Let's see what contributes to this.



The German economy has not yet fully recovered from the recent crisis, therefore, apartments in Germany are now affordable even for those private investors who do not have too much spare money. Why is it profitable to buy right now? According to statistics lately there has been a slight but steady rise in prices for all types of real estate in Germany: from residential to commercial.


Real estate in Germany: how to make profit?


The first option of profit, which begs, is a fast profitable resale. The main thing is not to miss the time of new jump in house prices in Germany.

But I must say that the resale of liquid housing in Germany is not the most favourable way to make a profit. It is much more promising to buy houses in Germany for long-term lease. There is an opportunity to purchase inexpensive apartments in Germany, which are already in rent. In this case, it will be possible to receive income immediately after the deal on purchase/sale of real estate is completed. You do not have to waste time searching for people who want to lease an inexpensive apartment in Germany, bought by you, and negotiate with potential tenants in German.




Real estate in Germany: what are the prospects?


Europeans and citizens of other countries are attracted by the opportunity to buy relatively inexpensive real estate in both large cities and the province. If you compare prices for housing in Germany with the value of real estate in other European countries, it can be safely said that apartments in German cities will cost the buyer considerably less money.


In our catalog you can find interesting inexpensive real estate objects in Germany, the cost of which starts from 11 000 Euros.


The real estate market of Germany today is full of numerous real estate objects of the most diverse price range.



On the website of BMG Invest GmbH anyone, who is interested in residential and commercial real estate in Germany, can select the right object according to his current financial possibilities. We have one of the largest databases: inexpensive housing from 11 000 Euros to luxury houses and cottages in Germany, the cost of which is estimated at 100 000 Euros and more.



But inexpensive prices for quality housing are not the only thing that attracts foreign investors to Germany.


Buyers try to be aware of the German economy, study analytics. According to its results, it is concluded that the real estate market in Germany is experiencing a new birth. Its revitalization promises significant profits not only in the next two or three years, but also a guaranteed increase in income from the acquired real estate in the longer term.



According to economic forecasts, prices for German real estate in the coming decade should increase by 40%. You must admit that this is very tempting. But even now the profitability of real estate, which can be purchased in the company BMG Invest GmbH, is quite high: from 7% to 15% per year. Such indicators are a guarantee that a house bought at a low price in Germany will bring an income that will provide you with a worthless trouble-free future.




Where to buy real estate in Europe?


Germany: presentability and stability


Apartments and houses in Germany is one of the most interesting proposals on the European real estate market. First, it is the most stable market. Secondly - there are many interesting offers for buyers of real estate of different levels: from luxury apartments and houses to economy-class housing.


Real estate in Germany can be bought quite easily by foreign buyers. The government has done everything possible to attract investors: the conditions for issuing documents for property have been simplified. Today, a stable low interest on lending real estate in German banks is only 2.5%.



In Germany, for the purpose of investments, it is better to buy an apartment of economy class; this is the easiest way to lease such house for long term. It is economy class apartments that are in demand in the lease market. This is due to the fact that approximately 59% of Germans instead of buying their own housing prefer living in leased apartments.


Residents of any country can register real estate on his name, to do this he does not need to be registered as a legal entity and open his own business in Germany.


Possessing real estate is one of the positive factors, influencing the decision to issue permanent residence permit in Germany. And the more expensive the acquired apartment or house in Germany is appraised the greater favor on the part of the authorities can be expected.





Real estate in France: profit is postponed



The main drawback of French real estate is its value. In this case, experts predict its further rise. This is directly related to housing deficit. Especially such a trend is observed in the major cities: Paris, Nice and Marseille. Both small apartment and own castle can be purchased – it depends on the ambitions and the sum on bank account. The approximate price for a two-room apartment in Paris (area of 43 sq.m) - 600 000 Euros. For the Renaissance chateau (area 1100 sq. M.), located in one of the Parisian suburbs, one will have to shell out 5 400 000 Euros.




It is almost unreal to buy housing in new buildings in comparison with Germany: the level of construction is rapidly declining. But the French government is alarmed about this, and develops programs that will stimulate the construction of housing stock.



The second housing market in France is also problematic. The old fund, located in the areas most in demand for lease, needs reconstruction.



French banks are loyal to foreign borrowers. This is due to the fact that the country needs an inflow of capital. The average mortgage rate in France is 3.5-4%, depending on the chosen financial institution. The loan is issued in Euros. Do not expect that you will be given a loan in another currency, for French bankers it is not economically profitable. Mortgage in France can be borrowed for a maximum of 25 years.



The interests of foreign borrowers in France are still slightly infringed. Residents can expect the issue of a mortgage loan up to 80% of the price of housing. Foreign citizens get a loan from 50 to 70% of the cost. For example: if you buy an apartment on mortgage in Paris for 600,000 Euros, then you should count on a loan for a maximum of 420,000 Euros. You will have to find yourself 180 000.


Getting a permanent residence permit in France on the grounds that you are the owner of the apartment is impossible. This fact does not give absolutely any advantages. You can count only on a multiple entry visa, and there is no guarantee that it will be approved.


According to forecasts, real estate in France will continue to increase in price, so you can safely talk about its liquidity. But still, we do not expect rapid dividends from investing in it; this process will be delayed for at least 10-15 years.


Small house near the warm sea: Bulgaria


In most of the countries that are members of the European Union, deals on real estate for foreign buyers are formalized according to the well-turned scheme both safely and without unnecessary delays. Legislation is respected, and regulators provide full financial information (Germany, France, Austria, Sweden, and Finland).  


It should be noted that the real estate markets of some European countries (primarily Bulgaria, Spain and Greece popular among Russians) have problems that frighten both beginners and those who know investing inside out.



Bulgaria no longer attracts investors as it was just three or four years ago. According to statistics, in the first half of 2014 in Bulgarian real estate there was invested € 490.7 million. Last year it was € 636.4 for the same period.



Interest rates for foreigners on mortgages are 7%. As you can see, this is much more than in Germany (we recall that in this country, the mortgage is given to foreign citizens at 2.5% per annum).


Those who think, whether borrowed funds for buying real estate in Bulgaria should be used or not, need to know that local banks are willing to give loans to foreigners not on all objects. The main thing that bank clerks pay attention to is the liquidity of the purchased apartment. Financiers need to be sure that in the event of force majeure circumstances, they can quickly and profitably sale the real estate, for which the borrower has stopped paying.




For this reason, Bulgarian banks prefer not to risk and refuse to lend to so-called atypical objects (usually the most affordable), the liquidity of which is in doubt. For this reason it is much easier to obtain approval for a loan from a Bulgarian bank to buy an apartment in Varna, than for a small house, located in a remote place in a mountainous area. For comparison: German banks issue mortgages for the purchase and relatively inexpensive real estate in Germany (the cost of the object is from 50-60 000 Euros).



A significant increase in real estate prices in Germany in the next 20 years.


According to the forecasts of the Institute for the Formation of Property Values ​​(IVA), of the 440 settlements in Germany, studied in 2020, only 79 cities expect an increase in the price of residential houses by 70%.


On the 8th and 9th March 2013 BMG Invest GmbH took an active part in the Moscow International Investment Show. Thanks to all visitors of our stand for interest to our company! We hope for further communication with you. Guests of our stand have had a chance to communicate with the experts of BMG Invest and learn the latest information on the trends of profitable real estate. If you missed the exhibition, but would like to know more about Germany's profitable real estate, you can ask questions to our specialists and get high-quality information support (See Company Contacts).





Foreign investors buy economy-class apartments in Germany


Inexpensive apartments in standard houses, at first glance, may not seem quite ordinary investment objects, but this kind of real estate is now in high demand. Investors do not allow such objects to linger on the market.



According to the results of 2011, the rise in prices for residential real estate in Germany averaged 5.5%, in 2010 prices increased by 2.5%. The increase in value occurs against the backdrop of a general economic recovery.


Revenue houses in Germany: guaranteed stability


Very many Germans instead of buying their own apartments prefer living in leased ones. This national feature is also used by the investors, extracting monthly steady income from the acquired real estate in Germany.



That’s why apartments and houses with tenants are often offered for sale in this country. Purchase of leased apartment is a quite routine practice, no one in Germany is surprised with this.

Local residents, involved in investing, believe that buying profitable real estate is more profitable than depositing money on a bank deposit. For comparison: current deposit rates in Germany do not exceed 0.5%, and the profit from lease of real estate is 4-10% per annum.



Apartments and multifamily houses in Germany can be purchased by private investors, including with the involvement of bank capital. Mortgage in Germany with the help of our experts can be taken at only 1-3% per annum.


If you decide to buy in Germany a house, which has already been leased long-term, then, under the Law of Germany, the contract with the tenants is not renewed. People who live in leased apartments may not even notice that the real estate they are leasing has changed the owner.

Details, according to which a lease payment is to be paid –objectively is the only change for them.



A tenant in Germany is protected by the Law: he cannot be evicted in a short time, lease payments are not subject to unreasonable increase and the owner’s sudden visits are not practiced.


Buying real estate with a tenant in Germany is beneficial for investors  for the following reasons:


  • it is not necessary to waste time searching for new tenants, nonetheless, it is not such an easy task in a foreign country;
  • Money from renting a house in Germany starts to income immediately after all the formalities for the transfer of property are  met;
  • even if the tenant is temporarily out of work, the payment of leased housing will be made by the state.



With the help of BMG Invest GmbH you can buy a variety of real estate in Germany, including leased objects. Our experts will select for you both revenue house in a large city (Cologne, Düsseldorf), and inexpensive apartments and houses in the province.



Acquaintance with the tenant before buying real estate in Germany


If you decide to invest money in the purchase of commercial real estate leased, it is desirable to get from the former owner full information about the tenant: how stable he pays the payments, whether he had complaints from neighbors. If problems with payment took place, it is worth thinking about.



When buying real estate in Germany, pay attention to the fact that in the contract of sale, the seller must confirm that the tenant has no debts.



Apartment with a tenant: if you buy for your own residence


If you buy real estate in Germany for yourself, then BMG Invest GmbH recommends after all buying vacant apartments. Exception - if the buyer does not plan to live in the house bought in the next couple of years. Yes, the real estate leased is a little cheaper, but it will not be easy to terminate the contract with a fair tenant.



Germany can safely be called a country of tenants, because their rights are protected by the Law of Germany.


Prices for leasing housing in Germany


Buying real estate in Germany with a tenant, you should not expect great raise in payment for renting housing. The Law of Germany will not allow you doing this. Increasing rates is possible, but is should be gradual, within three years.




In those German cities, in which there is not enough economy-class housing, it is allowed to increase prices for rental of real estate by a maximum of 15% in three years.



Profitable commercial real estate in Germany: a revenue house


Many German families prefer living in multi-family houses - Mehrfamilienhaus. So in Germany is called an apartment house, which contains several apartments for lease.



A revenue house in Germany is a profitable investment for those who want to have a passive income. This type of commercial real estate is also of interest to residents of other countries. The house is bought together with a land plot. The advantages of this acquisition: a land plot is also your property.


The owner can decide on his own whether he personally will deal with all issues related to the operation of the building and lease of housing, or he will entrust this to a professional management company.


The price of apartment buildings in Germany depends on the region in which they are located and the quality of construction. In small towns the prices for mehrfamilienhaus are very affordable. In large cities, the price of a square meter can be increased to 6000 € per square meter.


Revenue houses in Germany: tips for choosing


When buying, evaluate the location of the real estate. Pay attention to the district, in which the commercial real estate in Germany you liked is located. The more developed infrastructure is – the better.


The state of a revenue house.


If you do not want to invest in the repair of the acquired real estate in the near future, then make a choice in favor of the sanitized object: check the condition of the roof, insulation of façade, absence of problems with heating.



Study tenants.


Employees of our company recommend analyzing of how many vacant premises is available at the time of buying property in Germany, how long tenants live in the leased apartments. It's good when tenants are permanent. This indicates that in the near future they are unlikely to seek for themselves another place for living. If most of the tenants live in the house not for a long time, then this fact should be taken into account: almost certainly in this case there will be periods of downtime when housing will be empty. And this will affect profits.


Management company: real estate in Germany under reliable supervision


If you do not live in Germany permanently, then the ideal solution is to entrust the management of the revenue house to a specialized company. With its help, all issues with tenants will be promptly resolved.


We will tell in more details about the management companies. In Germany, there are two options for management companies.


Hausverwaltung – holds meetings of homeowners in apartment buildings, maintains cleanliness in the entrances and in the courtyard, collects funds for repairs.




The company is selected by voting at a meeting of the owners. If you buy housing in Germany in an apartment building, then automatically conclude a contract with the already selected house management. The operating company can only be replaced by a collective decision. The cost of services is from € 15 to € 20 per month.



Another option is Sonderhausverwaltung. Many more tasks can be assigned to such a management company. Under the contract, it is the official representative of the owner of real estate in Germany. Under the contract, it has the right to pay all utilities, get lease payment, negotiate with tenants, etc.



Sonderhausverwaltung services cost from € 20 to € 25 per month, subject to keeping a bank account.

We recommend that foreign buyers of real estate in Germany use the services of Sonderhausverwaltung, if housing is purchased for lease.


Visit to Germany: visa processing

The next stage of investing after selecting a property from our catalog and booking it will be a visit to Germany to view the property. In order to come to Germany you need to get a Schengen visa.


The links to websites where you can decide where to apply for the visa application are given below:




These websites provide detailed information about everything related to visa processing, including a list of documents for filing, depending on the purpose of the trip. In addition, the contact numbers of information services are indicated, according to which the embassy staff will answer the question of interest.

The main thing for successful registration of a visa to Germany is a concentration, gradualness and precautiousness. And it's not surprising, because these are the most inherent qualities of the Germans. It is better to make an appointment for an interview for the submission of documents as early as possible. It is important to fold the documents in the order indicated on the websites of the Embassies of Germany, having previously pulled them out of folders and files. And do not forget to glue pictures on the questionnaires!


When applying for a visa you will be  obligatory asked about:


- purpose of trip

- sources of trip financing

- availability of certificate of insurance


- availability and correct use of previous visas

- contacts of inviting persons


These are standard questions that should not cause panic and stumbling answers. In addition, if it turns out that a document is missing or an additional document is requested, specify immediately when you can deliver it.

If necessary, our company can make an invitation for a business trip to Germany with the necessary documents that confirm the invitation. The invitation itself is sent by fast post, because the original is required for visa processing. The remaining documents can be submitted in a copy.


Also, at the request of investors, we help them to book a hotel.

For more information on obtaining a visa to Germany, please contact us by phone numbers:

- in Germany: +49 02132 138 275

- in Russia: +7 903 230 3828

- in Ukraine: +380 44 451 53 24



Medicine in Germany

Medicine in Germany is considered one of the best not only because modern clinics are equipped with the latest equipment and highly qualified and experienced doctors use advanced methods in diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation. Medicine in Germany differs from other countries because there is pedantry, honesty, responsibility, politeness and attentiveness in everything here. And last, but not least, the patient is not considered as a source of additional income.



Therefore, it is not surprising that more than 130,000 people from the CIS countries undergo in-patient treatment in German clinics annually. To undergo diagnostics or rehabilitation, conduct various operations, you can go to Germany by contacting the visa department of the Embassy of Germany to obtain an entry visa. There is no special type of visa "for treatment", therefore, the consideration of issuing a visa is performed in accordance with general rules. In other words, a visa is issued if the purpose of stay in the country is proved, as well as the ability to pay for treatment and stay in the country.




There is a lot of detailed information on the internet about hospitals in Germany; specific details and nuances can be found out through correspondence with representatives of the clinic.


Some German medical institutions are world famous. This is the German Heart Center in Berlin and the Cardiology Center of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, where heart transplantation and simultaneous heart and lung transplantation are performed, and where an artificial heart has been created which allows patients to wait for transplantation.



Foreign patients are attracted to the Diagnostic Clinic in Wiesbaden, and the Dermatology Clinic at the Technical University of the city of Munich is the leading in the field of allergic diseases. The advanced method of treatment, which is practiced successfully in the clinic, is immune therapy, which changes the wrong immune response of the body.




The largest center of neurosurgery is located in Cologne, the land of North Rhine-Westphalia. And the Athos clinic in Heidelberg carries out operations for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. The unique operations are performed in Freiburg to restore the cartilage of the knee joint, as well as to replace the meniscus. Treatment of burns and cosmetic surgery are considered the best in the University Clinic of Aachen. And the ambulance clinics in Berlin-Marzahn and Hamburg-Boberg are among the largest in Europe centers for emergency care for victims of disasters or accidents.



And the spa facilities of Germany should not be forgotten. There are many specialized resorts in the country. There are 66 resorts using sea mud, salt and algae on the coast of the North and Baltic seas. 160 resorts offer local medicinal mineral waters. In addition, Germany has more than 50 climatic health resorts that scientifically confirmed the effectiveness of climate and air quality as therapy. The most famous of them are of course Baden-Baden, Bad Kissingen, Bad Wildungen, Bad Homburg, Bad Ems, Bad Elster and Wiesbaden.



Stable money earnings


One can call earnings on real estate really reliable. And even the word "earnings" is inappropriate here, since it will only be necessary to work for the first time – namely, to search for a suitable investment proposal, to calculate profitability, to take into account all the risks and to prepare all documents. In the future, you will not earn money, but real estate will work for you.



In a well-known financial bestseller R. Kiosaki set an interesting classification, according to which all people can be divided into 4 types: hired (working for others), private entrepreneurs (working for themselves), businessmen and investors. The last category is those the very few who have ceased to work and live at the expense of competent investments. These are the richest people, people who are not tortured by the question "How to make money?", but forced their own money to work for themselves. Anyone can become such investor. And our company will help in this.


The investor's path is often thorny and not easy. It is necessary to study and explore a lot of information, choose a worthy proposal. The most valuable in this case is truthful, unbiased information about the real value and profitability of the selected property. An excellent solution to this issue will be a familiarization tour to Germany. Having visited this place, having seen the German real estate with his own eyes, each client will be able to gain a first-hand impression of ​​the future transaction and make the right decision based on his own impressions.



Financial investments

Studying the issues of financial investment, sooner or later it will be found out that investments in real estate are the most competitive from viewpoint of risk and profit proportions.


There is an interesting situation: real estate is aging, and its price is growing. If you living in Moscow look for a real estate for financial investments with a high coefficient of reliability and stability, then Germany is breaking all records.


The financial investment attractiveness of real estate of Germany is determined by many factors. It is the loyalty of the state towards foreign investors. It is the strict statutory regulations of law, excluding the slightest possibility of fraud in the purchase and sale of real estate. It is affordable and reasonable prices, without cheating, smoke and mirrors. It is transparent investment parameters. And above all it is the ever-growing value of real estate, which brings from 5% to 15% of the invested funds annually. It is not wonder that the volume of financial investment in Germany is growing every year, and the index of Germany's investment attractiveness does not fall below 100 points.


Germany is notable because it can offer both substantial and expensive as well as affordable residential and commercial real estate for financial investment. One should choose an investment proposal based on his own financial opportunities, as well as the expected level of projects profitability. Experts recommend that if the budget is less than 100 thousand euros, it is worth buying a small apartment for rent. The financial investment in lucrative houses, mini-hotels will be profitable for an average budget. Large investors should pay attention to revenue houses, commercial and office real estate (with tenants on long-term lease agreements).




To reduce the degree of risk and increase profitability it is possible to purchase real estate with the involvement of credit funds. Foreigners can expect to receive mortgages in German banks. The severe requirements are applied to borrowers in Germany, only solvent investors are selected. Such careful selection protects the real estate market from the speculative demand for housing and infrastructure, while maintaining a steady rise in prices without price hikes. Borrowers receive a loan on very favorable terms – rates of interest have been reduced by more than half compared with the 90-ies.




Businessmen, concluding real estate purchase and sale transactions in Germany, can be assured of the transparency of the investment market. When it comes to commercial real estate, the buyer is provided with complete information about the facility. Namely: the contracts with tenants as a rule have already been signed for several years ahead, the rental rates are clearly determined, as well as their increase (taking into account the inflation growth), lending rates are set. With such data a potential investor can predict the level of expenses and expected profits, determine the payback period of long-term investments.



The long-term investment in Germany is, first of all, rent income. It is well-known that the owners of housing among Germans are less than the half of population, most prefer to live in rentable areas. It is possible to earn on a rent by leasing out whether separate apartments or the revenue houses, student's real estate. Rental income is, as a rule, 8-10% per annum. Profitable real estate in Germany is considered the least risky asset and is ideal for long-term investments.




Private investment

Private investment is the path to wealth, means of achieving financial freedom and prosperity.


Professionals dealing with financial issues can confirm that for today investment is almost the only way to preserve and increase their capital investments. The current economic situation, in principle, can offer enough financial instruments to increase private capital, but not all of them are the same, particularly concerning the balance of risks and expected profit.




The practice of private investment in the CIS countries is not yet sufficiently developed. Most citizens do not want or cannot manage money in a way they would bring a steady and stable income. The beginning investors often fail because they do not have sufficient information that would allow rational assessment of the situation, evaluation of the risks and expected benefits, and on the basis of the information obtained, making a judicious wise decision. In such situations, the help and support of a competent intermediary, a guide in the world of finance, is needed. Private investments will only benefit if they are invested in really profitable projects.



Property taxes

One of the most frequently asked questions by our customers is the question of taxation when buying an apartment or a revenue house in Germany.

According to German legislation, when buying real estate, the buyer must pay a one-time real estate acquisition tax. The tax rate is determined by each federal state independently. In North Rhine-Westphalia, where our real estate units are located, this tax rate is 5% of the notary's value of the property. The tax on the purchase of real estate, together with the services of a notary and other state authorities (the judicial office, the municipal exchequer, the financial department) is included in one-time costs for registration of the purchase, which in the total amount to about 7.5% of the notary's value of the object.


Annually the owner of real estate pays also a land tax. There is no property tax in Germany, because when buying a house, the land itself is bought together with the building on it, and when buying an apartment – a part of the land in proportion to the size of the apartment. The land tax can be paid once a year or quarterly. The formula for calculating the land tax rate is complex and depends on the rate in the given municipality for the calculation and estimated value of the property. For an apartment up to 40 square meters the amount of land tax can be about 150-200 euros per year. The point to note is that the tenant compensates the entire amount of land tax to the owner of the apartment once a year by means of a particular transfer to the owner's account.

If the owner of the property leases it, then according to German legislation, the rent is subject to income tax, since it is income.




Investment tools:

where to invest money?


The following investment tools are the most accessible to the foreign investor:

• land


• securities (shares, bonds, etc.)


• precious metals


• real estate


• mutual investment funds


• bank deposits


• Forex market



What are the advantages and risks of each of them?



The land is and always will be a relevant investment tool. The cost of land is determined by what you can do with it. If these are agricultural lands, their value will increase, but insignificantly. The land that can be used for building has the highest potential for increasing value. However, land does not bring a regular profit, therefore, it is impossible to use for its purchase borrowed capital or credit capital to increase profitability. In addition, investments in land require the investor to have a substantial amount of funds.


Bank deposits


They are the easiest and most passive tool for investing. The investor needs only to choose a bank and the type of deposit to invest, a special knowledge in the field of investments is not needed. However, one should know that interest rates on bank deposits rarely exceed inflation. A bank deposit is a way of saving money, but not multiplying. An additional risk of bank deposits is a possible bank failure or freezing of accounts in case of a crisis.


Precious metals

Buying gold, silver or platinum in bank, the investor buys not the metal itself, which then can be sold only as a scrap, but its value. This allows receiving income on the growth of the value of precious metals. After all, it is known that during periods of economic recessions, investors switch to investing in gold, which causes the growth of its value, respectively.


Mutual Investment Funds


They refer to a passive investment instrument. The investor chooses the fund and trusts its capital to the fund manager, buying an equity unit from the fund. The equity unit is a legal document that allows an investor to apply for the profit of a fund in the event of receiving a profit according to the size of its contribution. Thus, the investor can’t influence the growth of his savings. The fund, in its turn, having collected money from investors, invests them in various tools and projects aiming to receive a certain level of income. And this income, as a rule, is higher than the rate of bank deposits. The risk for the investor is that the profitability is not guaranteed, but it is necessary to pay commission for the services of the fund manager both in case of profitability and in case of its absence.




Investments in securities (shares, bonds, options and futures) require certain knowledge and experience from the investor. In addition, if the investor is engaged in independent trading of securities by himself, it is also a considerable time investment, since it is necessary to keep your eyes on the ball at every moment.


In the context of shares, you can always earn more by fluctuation in exchange of its value than on dividends. In addition, the shares give the investor the right to claim the profits of the company. The risk of investing in shares is that their value can rise sharply or fall to zero, depending on the condition of the market.


Investments in bonds are suitable for those investors who are looking for the optimal balance between capital preservation and income generation, as they are characterized by the absence of sharp exchange rate fluctuations in value.


Real estate


It is a good and powerful investment tool. It can bring passive income in the form of rent payment in the long-run period. It is not as mobile as shares, but it is more reliable when it comes to long-term investment of money.


Investing in real estate you can also affect the size of the profitability. With an increase in the value of real estate, the amount of rent payments also increases, whereas the investor can not influence the price of a share or equity unit. In addition, if real estate is properly managed, then its profitability will exceed interest on borrowed capital and income from securities.


Forex market

The Forex market is a market where currency pairs are traded. This tool is suitable only in the short term and is speculative. You can make a fortune for just a few operations but the risk of losses is high too.



As an investment tool it is only suitable as a speculation in the short term. In this market you can make a fortune for just a few operations, but you can lose everything irrevocably.


Types of investment

in real estate

Classification of investment in real estate allows the investor, first of all, to clearly formulate his investment objectives and determine the strategy.


So, according to the planned period of investment, investment in real estate can be divided into:


•  Short-term investments: purchase of highly liquid real estate and its quick resale with minimal pre-sale preparation. An example can be the purchase of a one-room apartment in the immediate vicinity of the metro at a price below the market and its resale at a higher cost.


•  Medium-term investments: purchase of a real estate item that requires major improvements, and its further sale at a higher price.


•  Long-term investments: the acquisition of a real estate item for the purpose of its leasing for a long period of time and/or obtaining income from the growth of the price of a real estate item over the long term.



Depending on actions the investor intends to perform with the real estate item from the moment of purchase to the moment of sale of investment in real estate, they can be divided into:


• active investments are real estate transactions aimed at improving its properties and condition in order to increase the selling price (for example, repair, reconstruction, transfer from a housing stock to a non-residential one). Active investment in real estate is relevant for short- and medium-term periods.


•  passive investments are the absence of any actions to improve the facility for and on behalf of the investor. The investor is waiting for an increase in the value of his property, while leasing it and waiting for the best moment for resale with maximum profit. Such investments are typical for long-term periods.



Choosing a real estate unit: what should be taken into consideration?

When making a decision on investing in a particular real estate unit, investors should find out a number of important parameters and characteristics of this property:


  • What is the degree of prestige and relevance of the location of the unit? What is the social environment? Is there a traffic intersection? What is the ecological situation, including noise level and air purity?
  • What is the dynamics of demand and offer for similar real estate units in the area?
  • Forecast of the cost per square meter and rent for the next 5 years.
  • Plan for the development and improvement of the area in which the real estate unit is located (including planned renovations and construction projects).
  • What are the features of the architecture of the building and the distinctness of the construction project?
  • What is the degree of external attractiveness of the building?
  • Year of construction of the building, layout of the apartment, the presence of balconies and loggias, the number and area of ​​apartments in the building and on the floor.
  • Construction technology and materials used, engineering communications and their condition.
  • Energy performance certificate of the house.
  • Characteristics of the internal infrastructure (land size and improvement, presence of parking for cars, etc.).
  • What is the level of physical deterioration of the building? What repairs have been carried out over the past few years and what are planned?
  • Who rents a property: students/workers, etc.?
  • What are the terms of the lease agreement (terms, amount of guarantee and need of repair work)?
  • The amount of wet and dry rental.
  • How is calculated the profitability of the object from the lease?
  • Are the property management services offered? What is the professional experience of the company management?
  • What is included in the services of the management company? What is their cost?
  • Management advices and example of a management contract.
  • What taxes are paid and who advises on taxation?
  • For what period is the subsequent sale of the property guaranteed?
  • What are the income and expenses for the subsequent sale of real estate?
  • Who manages the investor account in a German bank?
  • Is it possible to withdraw the entire amount received on an account on a monthly basis?
  • Does the purchase of a real estate guarantee a visa receiving as well as a residence permit/permanent residence?



Our company will provide You with the most complete and up-to-date information on each real estate unit when buying property in Germany!



Study in Germany: Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia



European education is not only a fashionable trend and high prospects for a further career. First and foremost, this is a really high quality of the level of knowledge obtained, supported by an advanced scientific-research base and innovations. Germany is attractive in terms of education by the fact that it successfully combines old university traditions with the latest achievements of science and technology. Education in Germany for several years was payable, but gradually all the lands have abolished fees for study. At the same time, foreign students also do not pay for their education in Germany, unlike Great Britain and a number of other countries.



When choosing a university in Germany, it is worth paying attention to the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia which has a number of significant advantages for studying here:



  • There are 6 of the 12 largest universities in Germany here. Higher education is available in 70 universities and higher vocational schools. The number of students is 637,000 people, of which 71,300 people are foreign students.




  • 41 centers for technology research and more than 40 scientific research organizations in higher schools form the most dense research network in Europe.



  • North Rhine-Westphalia is one of the three most developed federal states in Germany and at the same time is the most populous. Not only scientific, but also social, cultural and business life is humming along here. Along with this, acceptable prices for products and goods as well as inexpensive student accommodation are optimal for the normal residence of students.



  • Great opportunities for practice, student underworking and further work. The economy in this land is distinguished by a balanced combination of "classical" branches of industry with modern and advanced sectors of the economy. 16 of the 40 largest trading companies in Germany have placed their head offices here (Aldi, C&A, Deichmann, Metro, Rewe). There are the headquarters of the largest joint-stock companies: Lufthansa, E.ON, Henkel, ThyssenKrupp, RWE, Deutsche Post DHL, Deutsche Telecom, Bayer, etc. 14 000 foreign companies manage their representative offices throughout Germany and Europe from this land: BP, 3M, Ericsonn, Vodafone, Toyota, Ford, LG Electronics, etc. And that doesn’t even include more than 700,000 small and medium enterprises that form the economic core of the land.





  • North Rhine-Westphalia is a multiethnic land that is distinguished by its high loyalty and tolerance to all nationalities and foreigners.



Visit to Germany:

 certificate of insurance


A necessary condition for obtaining a visa to a country that is part of the Schengen area is the existence of a certificate of insurance.


Why do I need insurance? Only the availability of health insurance guarantees the provision of free medical services abroad and the return to the motherland in the event of a serious illness or injury. No one is safe from a sudden illness, but it is possible to prevent large expenses for the provision of medical services by obtaining a certificate of insurance.


Where and how can I get insurance? You need to contact any insurance company and find out if it provides such a service. You can find the right information on the Internet or get insurance near visa centers or Embassies. The German Embassy compiled for investors from Ukraine a list of insurance companies, whose medical certificates of insurance are recognized by the Embassy.



In any case, the Embassy puts forward the following requirements to the certificate of insurance:

  • it must be valid for all countries of the Schengen area


  • the minimum amount of coverage must be 30,000 euros



  • When applying for a visa, you must provide the original and a copy of the certificate of insurance


  • It must cover the entire period of stay in Germany.


If a visa is issued for a single visit, the period of stay must include the planned day of entry + days of stay + 15 additional days. This is done in order to issue a visa with a flexible stay.


If it is a multiple entry visa, an annual or long-term visa, then it is sufficient to provide the medical insurance certificate only for the first trip. At each subsequent visit, it will be necessary to separately conclude a health insurance agreement. Insurance should always be carried to show it on demand during the passage of border controls.


The average cost of one day of insurance is 1 euro, the expanded version is 1.5 euros. There are other rates for pensioners. Let's turn our attention to the fact, that if the visa is denied, then the insurance company must return money for insurance. And if the visa was issued for a shorter period than it was stated, then you can return a part of the money spent on the medical insurance certificate.



Visit to Germany:

plastic cards or cash?

For convenience of payment in Germany in addition to cash currency we recommend you to make an international credit card beforehand. Since the amount of undeclared imported/exported cash is strictly regulated both in the EU and in the CIS countries, the benefits from plastic cards are increasing. The thing is that the card itself is not a monetary instrument and, when crossing borders, it is not subject to declaration. For investors who are planning to make purchases in Germany for a large sum, this is a very important point.




For the registration of the card, you should come a few weeks before the planned trip to Germany with a passport to the bank and write a statement. Here are some general guidelines for opening a card:


  • In Russia, the best variant is to open a card in a foreign bank in order to withdraw money from an ATM without retention of interest. The situation in Ukraine is different: according to the legislation, when exporting a payment card issued by a foreign bank, it is necessary to have an individual license of the National Bank of Ukraine to open an account in a foreign bank. If the payment card was issued by a bank of Ukraine, then such a license is not required. When withdrawing cash from an ATM of other bank, the commission will be 2.5-3.5%, but not less than 2-3 euros from one transaction plus a commission of a native bank, in which a credit card was issued.


  • When going to Europe, it is better to make a card of the MasterCard payment system. The payroll currency in this international payment system is euro, and thus it is possible to avoid double conversion of the national currency-dollar-euro and losses on the difference in rates and a double commission. In any case, the cards that are supported by such international payment systems as Visa, Europay, American Express are accepted in Germany as well.





  • The account is better to open in euros, as purchases with such a card will not be subject to interest. Please note that the name on the card must be written exactly as in the foreign passport. The problems may arise, if there is a discrepancy of at least one letter.


Our investors, who often visit Germany, make German cards Geldkarte for themselves. They can be attached to an account (in this case EU-Electronic Cash is indicated on them) or they can simply be carriers of electronic cash. These cards are accepted for payment all over the place, cash from them is withdrawn at ATMs without interest. Such cards can be issued at Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG, Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank AG, Deutsche Postbank AG, Dresdner Bank AG.



Visit to Germany: import and export of currency


Since January 1, 2013, a uniform form of the customs declaration for the application of individuals for the transfer of funds began to operate on the territory of the European Union. According to the new rules, if there is an amount in excess of 10 thousand Euros, the money will have to be declared twice - during the arrival in the EU and departure from it.


At the same time, it will be necessary to declare not only cash in Euros, but also an equivalent in any other currency, as well as securities. The rule also applies when traveling through the EU countries in transit. If the declaration contains inaccurate or incomplete information, the declarant will be punished, and money may be confiscated.


Amounts of 10 thousand Euros or more must be indicated in the customs declaration, which should be mandatorily filled in. In the event that anyone decides not to declare more than 10 thousand Euros at the crossing of the European Union border in Germany, he risks, according to § 31 a ZollVG, to become an unwitting participant in the administrative process, providing a fine of up to 1 million Euros. This norm is part of the European Commission directive on combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism, and applies to both EU citizens and non-EU citizens.